Synopsis of "Heirs of Empire", first book of "Heirs of Empire" by Evan C. Currie: The Scourwind family legacy brought the empire..
Synopsis of "Falcone Strike", second book of "Angel in the Whirlwind" by Christopher Nuttall: Now a celebrated war hero, Captain..
Synopsis of "The Oncoming Storm", first book of "Angel in the Whirlwind" by Christopher Nuttall: In the year 2420, war looms bet..
Synopsis of "Voice of the Chosen", third book of "Spirit of Empire" by Lawrence P. White: Struthers has suffered serious defeats..
Synopsis of "Knights of the Chosen", second book of "Spirit of Empire" by Lawrence P. White: The Empire has collapsed. Aided by ..
Synopsis of "Last of the Chosen", first book of "Spirit of Empire" by Lawrence P. White: The Empire, hundreds of thousands of c..
Synopsis of "Vortex", second book of "Insignia" by S.J. Kincaid: While serving as a superhuman government weapon during World War III, teenager Tom..
Synopsis of "Recovery Man", sixth book of "Retrieval Artist" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: On Jupiter’s moon Callisto, a ..
Synopsis of "Paloma", fifth book of "Retrieval Artist" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: As a Retrieval Artist, Miles Flint h..
Synopsis of "Buried deep", fourth book of "Retrieval Artist" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: Forensic anthropologist Aisha ..
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