Synopsis of "Darkest Flame", first book of "Dark Kings" by Donna Grant: The Dark Kings have fought for centuries to preserve their dragon magic...
Synopsis of "A Plunder of Souls", third book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, 1769: Ethan Kaille, a Boston t..
Synopsis of "Hidden", fifth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: Alex Verus is a diviner who can see probable futures a talen..
Synopsis of "Vortex", second book of "Insignia" by S.J. Kincaid: While serving as a superhuman government weapon during World War III, teenager Tom..
Synopsis of "Night Broken", eigth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: An unexpected phone call heralds..
Synopsis of "Nice Dragons Finish Last", first book of "Heartstrikers" by Rachel Aaron: As the smallest dragon in the Heartstrike..
Synopsis of "The First Duty", ninth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: The crew of the Battlecruiser Alamo has acc..
Synopsis of "Stars in the Sand", eigth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: The Battlecruiser Alamo has struck a cri..
Synopsis of "Sacred Honor", seventh book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: For the first time in his career, Lieutenan..
Synopsis of "Battle of Hercules", sixth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: After more than a decade, Lieutenant-Ca..
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