Synopsis of "Magic on the Hunt", sixth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: In the secret lockup of the Authority, the counc..
Synopsis of "Magic at the Gate", fifth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: Allie Beckstrom's lover, Zayvion Jones, is a Gua.
Synopsis of "Magic on the Storm", fourth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: Allison Beckstrom is committed to her work tra..
Synopsis of "Magic in the Shadows", third book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: Allison Beckstrom's magic has taken its toll ..
Synopsis of "Magic in the Blood", second book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk:Working as a Hound-tracing illegal spells back ..
Synopsis of "Dead Man's Reach", fourth book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, 1770. The city is a powder keg a..
Synopsis of "A Plunder of Souls", third book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, 1769: Ethan Kaille, a Boston t..
Synopsis of "Thieves' Quarry", second book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Se..
Synopsis of "Thieftaker", first book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, 1765: In D.B. Jackson's Thieftaker, re..
Synopsis of "Spy Glass", third book of "Glass Series" by Maria V. Snyder: After siphoning her own blood magic in the showdown at Hubal, Opal Cowan c..
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