Synopsis of "Falcone Strike", second book of "Angel in the Whirlwind" by Christopher Nuttall: Now a celebrated war hero, Captain..
Synopsis of "The Oncoming Storm", first book of "Angel in the Whirlwind" by Christopher Nuttall: In the year 2420, war looms bet..
Synopsis of "Warspite", fourth book of "Ark Royal" by Christopher Nuttall: Peace is not freedom. Peace is merely the absence of ..
Synopsis of "The Trafalgar Gambit", third book of "Ark Royal" by Christopher Nuttall: Humanity is losing the war. The once might..
Synopsis of "The Nelson Touch", second book of "Ark Royal" by Christopher Nuttall: Ark Royal the Royal Navy’s outdated space car..
Synopsis of "Ark Royal", first book of "Ark Royal" by Christopher Nuttall: If you wish for peace, prepare for war (Royal Navy Mo..
Synopsis of "Hard Lessons", second book of "A Learning Experience" by Christopher Nuttall: Fifty years after Steve Stuart and hi..
Synopsis of "A Learning Experience", first book of "A Learning Experience" by Christopher Nuttall: Earth is not alone. There is ..
Synopsis of "Never Surrender", tenth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: The war isn’t going well. Wolfbane’s f..
Synopsis of "The Thin Blue Line", ninth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: Earth has fallen ... and humanity i..
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