Synopsis of "Freedom's Dawn", fourth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A ship under siege. A world on the brink of civi..
Synopsis of "The Ace of Skulls", fourth book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: They've been shot down, set up, double-crossed and ripped..
Synopsis of "The Iron Jackal", third book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Things are finally looking good for Captain Frey and his cr..
Synopsis of "The Black Lung Captain", second book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Deep in the heart of the Kurg rainforest lies a long..
Synopsis of "Retribution Falls", first book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Sky piracy is a bit out of Darian Frey’s league. Fate has..
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