Synopsis of "Ascendant's Rite", fourth book of "The Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The last few months of the moontide when th..
Synopsis of "Avenger of Rome", third book of "Gaius Valerius Verrens" by Douglas Jackson: Emperor Nero's grip on power is weaken..
Synopsis of "Defender of Rome", second book of "Gaius Valerius Verrens" by Douglas Jackson: Gaius Valerius Verrens returns to Ro..
Synopsis of "Hero of Rome", first book of "Gaius Valerius Verrens" by Douglas Jackson: The Roman grip on Britain is weakening. E..
Synopsis of "Unholy War", third book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Third Crusade has just suffered an unprecedented m..
Synopsis of "The Scarlet Tides", second book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Moontide has come and the Leviathan Bridge..
Synopsis of "Mage's Blood", first book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Moontide Bridge lies deep below the sea, but eve..
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