Synopsis of "Fermi's War", second book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Five months ago, the Battlecruiser Alamo retu..
Synopsis of "Sassinak", first book of "Planet Pirates" by Anne McCaffrey:Sassinak was twelve when the raiders came. That made he..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Forge", sixth book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfigher, a spy and..
Synopsis of "Ghost Omens", short history book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: When rumors spread that a dead Emperor has re..
Synopsis of "Ghost Claws", short history book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfighter, trained..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Stone", fifth book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfighter, an assas..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Storm", fourth book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfighter, one of ..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Blood", third book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina is a Ghost nightfighter, one of the Empe..
Synopsis of "Ghost Dagger", short history of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina is a Ghost nightfighter, one of the Emperor..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Flames", second book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina is now a Ghost nightfighter, with the ..
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