Synopsis of "Aces High", thirteenth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Once again the Battlecruiser Alamo is launc..
Synopsis of "Not One Step Back", fifth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: The Battlecruiser Alamo is despatched on..
Synopsis of "Tip of the Spear", fourth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: A revolution has erupted across the plan..
Synopsis of "Victory or Death", third book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: As tensions mount between the Triplanetar..
Synopsis of "Fermi's War", second book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Five months ago, the Battlecruiser Alamo retu..
Synopsis of "The Truth of Valor", fifth book of "Confederation" by Tanya Huff: Former Marine Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr is att..
Synopsis of "Ghost Station", fourth book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: After everything that has happened to Fleet Ad..
Synopsis of "Galactic Empire Wars: Rebellion", third book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: For ..
Synopsis of "Galactic Empire Wars: Emergence", second book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: Ali..
Synopsis of "Destruction", first book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: To the Kleese, the Earth..
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