Synopsis of "Bone Crossed", fourth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy is a car mechanic in the sprawling Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington. By night, she explores her preternatural side. As a shapeshifter with some unique talents, Mercy has often found herself having to maintain a tenuous harmony between the human and the not so human. This time she may get more than she bargained for. Marsilia, the local Vampire Queen, has learned that Mercy crossed her by slaying a member of her clanand she's out for blood. But since Mercy is protected from direct reprisal by the werewolf pack (and her close relationship with its sexy Alpha), it won't be Mercy's blood Marsilia is after. It'll be her friends'.
Why did I read this book: The Mercy Thompson books are some of my very favorites in the Urban Fantasy genre, and Patricia Briggs is one of those ama..
Bone Crossed is the fourth novel in the popular Mercy Thompson urban fantasy series by Patricia Briggs. There is a pretty strong story arc across th..
Mercy Thompson couldn't keep herself out of trouble if her life depended upon it - and it does. After killing one more vampire than the head vampir..
Warning: there are slight spoilers in this review for Iron Kissed, the previous book in the Mercy Thompson series. Dear Ms. Briggs: bone crossed com..
Iron Kissed, the third Mercy Thompson novel, left such a nasty taste in my mouth that it was with more wariness than enthusiasm that I began the fou..
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