Synopsis of "Magic at the Gate", fifth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: Allie Beckstrom's lover, Zayvion Jones, is a Gua.
Synopsis of "Hero of Rome", first book of "Gaius Valerius Verrens" by Douglas Jackson: The Roman grip on Britain is weakening. E..
Synopsis of "Magic on the Storm", fourth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: Allison Beckstrom is committed to her work tra..
Synopsis of "Silver Borne", fifth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Being a mechanic is hard work. M..
Synopsis of "The Truth of Valor", fifth book of "Confederation" by Tanya Huff: Former Marine Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr is att..
Synopsis of "New Dawn", first book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: It it always darkest before the dawn. For 700 years..
Synopsis of "Redoubtable", eighth book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: Lieutenant Commander Kris Longknife has precise ord..
Synopsis of "Dragon Haven", second book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: Centuries had passed since dragons last roamed ..
Synopsis of "Demon Driven", second book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Seven months have passed since Chris Gordon met Tanya..
Synopsis of "God Touched", first book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Chris Gordon is a rookie with the NYPD - one with a sec..
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