Synopsis of "Blind Salvage", fifth book of "Rylee Adamson" by Shannon Mayer: "My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker." ..
Synopsis of "Darkness Haunts", first book of "The Sensor" by Susan Illene: Melena Sanders faced her fair share of danger with in..
Synopsis of "Shadowed Threads", fourth book of "Rylee Adamson" by Shannon Mayer: "My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker.&quo..
Synopsis of "Raising Innocence", third book of "Rylee Adamson" by Shannon Mayer: When children go missing, and the Humans have ..
Synopsis of "Immune", second book of "Rylee Adamson" by Shannon Mayer: “My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker.” When children go..
Synopsis of "Thieves' Quarry", second book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Se..
Synopsis of "Chosen", fourth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: I don’t publicly advertise that I’m a mage,..
Synopsis of "Frost Burned", seventh book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy Thompson's life has unde..
Synopsis of "Tip of the Spear", fourth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: A revolution has erupted across the plan..
Synopsis of "Victory or Death", third book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: As tensions mount between the Triplanetar..
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