Synopsis of "Fermi's War", second book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Five months ago, the Battlecruiser Alamo retu..
Synopsis of "Sassinak", first book of "Planet Pirates" by Anne McCaffrey:Sassinak was twelve when the raiders came. That made he..
Synopsis of "Jethro First to Fight", second book of "Wandering Engineer Jethro's Tale" by Chris Hechtl: First to Fight, one of ..
Synopsis of "Pirates Bane", sixth book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: Fresh from fighting the ghost of a terrifying bi..
Synopsis of "Plague Planet", fifth book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: Things just weren't looking good for John Henry..
Synopsis of "Ghost Station", fourth book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: After everything that has happened to Fleet Ad..
Synopsis of "Fortune's Pawn", first book of "Paradox" by Rachel Bach: Devi Morris isn't your average mercenary. She has plans. ..
Synopsis of "Metal Boxes" by Alan Black: Coming of age can be hard for anyone. But for Blackmon Perry Stone it is life threatening. At 15..
Synopsis of "Perdition", first book of "Dred Chronicles" by Ann Aguirre: The prison ship Perdition, a floating city where the C..
Synopsis of "Admiral's Revenge", fifth book of "Spineward Sectors" by Luke Sky Wachter: Fresh out of prison and with their woun..
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