Synopsis of "Fire Touched", ninth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy Thompson has been hailed as a he..
Synopsis of "Night Broken", eigth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: An unexpected phone call heralds..
Synopsis of "Frost Burned", seventh book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy Thompson's life has unde..
Synopsis of "Silver Borne", fifth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Being a mechanic is hard work. M..
Synopsis of "Bone Crossed", fourth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy is a car mechanic in the ..
Synopsis of "Iron Kissed", third book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: I could smell her fear, and it satisfied som..
Synopsis of "Blood Bound", second book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Under the rule of science, there are n..
Synopsis of "Moon Called", first book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercedes "Mercy" Thompson is a tale..
Synopsis of "God Hammer", eight book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe:
Synopsis of "College Arcane", spin-off book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe:
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