Synopsis of "A Dragon of a Different Color", third book of "Heartstrikers" by Rachel Aaron:
Synopsis of "One Good Dragon Deserves Another", second book of "Heartstrikers" by Rachel Aaron: After barely escaping the m..
Synopsis of "Nice Dragons Finish Last", first book of "Heartstrikers" by Rachel Aaron: As the smallest dragon in the Heartstrike..
Synopsis of "Heaven's Queen", third book of "Paradox" by Rachel Bach: From the moment she took a job on Captain Caldswell's do..
Synopsis of "Honour's Knight", second book of "Paradox" by Rachel Bach: Devi Morris has a lot of problems. And not the fun, ea..
Synopsis of "Fortune's Pawn", first book of "Paradox" by Rachel Bach: Devi Morris isn't your average mercenary. She has plans. ..
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