Synopsis of "Hidden", seventh book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: I’m used to people wanting me dead. But, this time, I’m n..
Synopsis of "Veiled", sixth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: I thought I’d escaped my past. But my old master is back and..
Synopsis of "Hidden", fifth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: Alex Verus is a diviner who can see probable futures a talen..
Synopsis of "Chosen", fourth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: I don’t publicly advertise that I’m a mage,..
Synopsis of "Taken", third book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: Mage apprentices have been vanishing without ..
Synopsis of "Cursed", second book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: Since his second sight made him infamous for def..
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