Synopsis of "Magic on the Hunt", sixth book of "Allie Beckstrom" by Devon Monk: In the secret lockup of the Authority, the counc..
Synopsis of "Defender of Rome", second book of "Gaius Valerius Verrens" by Douglas Jackson: Gaius Valerius Verrens returns to Ro..
Synopsis of "Knights of the Chosen", second book of "Spirit of Empire" by Lawrence P. White: The Empire has collapsed. Aided by ..
Synopsis of "Last of the Chosen", first book of "Spirit of Empire" by Lawrence P. White: The Empire, hundreds of thousands of c..
Synopsis of "River Marked", sixth book of "Mercy Thompson" by Patricia Briggs: Mercy Thompson is a shapeshifter..
Synopsis of "Destiny's Choice", third book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons woke from sta..
Synopsis of "Fool's Gold", second book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: Fresh from his adventures with the crew of the I..
Synopsis of "Daring", ninth book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: Lieutenant Commander Kris Longknife leads a reconnaissanc..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Blood", third book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina is a Ghost nightfighter, one of the Empe..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Flames", second book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina is now a Ghost nightfighter, with the ..
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