Synopsis of "Fallen Stars", fifth book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Sometimes it's just best to get the hell out of Dodge. After turning an ancient vampire to dust and stirring the Coven into a mob of pitchfork- and torch-bearing vampires, Chris Gordon thinks it might be time for a road trip. So, leaving Tanya to calm the troubled masses, he heads south to help a North Carolina Pack with some demon troubles. But with beautiful Stacia Reynolds in the shotgun seat and his trusty companion, Awasos, Chris just might find more trouble out of the Big Apple than in it as he follows the blacktop south. It's demons and witches and bears, oh my. .Separated from his vampire girlfriend by politics, Chris Gordon finds himself facing a demonic threat unlike anything he's ever seen. With a beautiful and very tempting werewolf providing backup, Chris and Awasos tackle a new kind of danger.
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