Synopsis of "Traitor Savant", second book of "Seals of the Duelists" by Jasmine Giacomo: While Bayan struggles to train his campus hexmates in the forbidden arts of Savantism, Kiwani leaves on the advice of a sint, seeking closure for a painful family secret. But Kah, her hexbird companion, returns to campus without her, and an arbitrary decision sends Head Chanter Doc Theo back to the Temple of Ten Thousand Harmonies in shame. Though Bayan and his hexmates rescue Kiwani, a second prisoner they free is no friend, and his very existence raises troublesome questions. He promises Bayan secret knowledge that could aid in understanding the deep political currents that threaten to deluge the campus, but when members of a rival hex suffer mysterious attacks, Bayan must decide whether he’s harboring a victim or a killer. Between the stranger’s secrets and an urgent message from a mysterious, gifted singer at the Temple of Ten Thousand Harmonies, Bayan pieces together a threat against the empire more insidious than even the Aklaa rebellion, but exposing its mastermind will cost Bayan everything he has.
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