Synopsis of "Stalked by Flames", first book of "Dragon's Breath" by Susan Illene: Bailey Monzac has just graduated college and i..
Synopsis of "Vortex", second book of "Insignia" by S.J. Kincaid: While serving as a superhuman government weapon during World War III, teenager Tom..
Synopsis of "Mage's Blood", first book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Moontide Bridge lies deep below the sea, but eve..
Synopsis of "To Honor You Call Us", first book of "Man of War" by H. Paul Honsinger: The Terran Union is engaged in a vast inter..
Synopsis of "Blood Song", first book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: “The Sixth Order wields the sword of justice and smite..
Synopsis of "Snow Like Ashes", first book of "Snow Like Ashes" by Sara Raasch: A heartbroken girl. A fierce warrior. A hero in t..
Synopsis of "Assassin's Apprentice", first book of "Farseer Trilogy" by Robin Hobb: In a faraway land where members of the royal..
Synopsis of "The Valhalla Call", fourth book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: Newly minted Lieutenant Sorilla Aida has a..
Synopsis of "Valkyrie Burning", third book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: The war that began on Hayden's World years a..
Synopsis of "Valkyrie Rising", second book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: Two years after the initial invasion of Hayd..
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