Synopsis of "Midnight Falcon", second book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Bane, the illegitimate son of the Rigante king Dem..
Synopsis of "Sword in the Storm", first book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: The Rigante dwell in the mountain lands when Con..
Synopsis of "Snow Like Ashes", first book of "Snow Like Ashes" by Sara Raasch: A heartbroken girl. A fierce warrior. A hero in t..
Synopsis of "Aurora: CV-01", first book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A world recovering from a devastating plague. A br..
Synopsis of "Heir of Fire", third of "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Maas: Lost and broken, Celaena Sardothien’s only thought is t..
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