Synopsis of "Wielder's Awakening", first book of "Wielder Trilogy" by T.B. Christensen: A powerful wielder of magic is preparing..
Synopsis of "Spellscribed Tales: First Refrain", first book of "Spellscribed Tales" by Kristopher Cruz: Spellscribed Tales is th..
Synopsis of "Liberation", tenth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: Heartfelt reunions with friends. Desperate plans to g..
Synopsis of "The Assassin's Blade", short histories of "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Maas: Celaena Sardothien is Adarlan's most ..
Synopsis of "Zero Recall", second book of "The Legend of ZERO" by Sara King: It's been 53 turns after the legendary Commander Ze..
Synopsis of "Forging Zero", first book of "The Legend of ZERO" by Sara King: The Legend of ZERO begins the epic journey of 14-ye..
Synopsis of "Blood in Snow", third book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Having committed treason by claiming the Highlands..
Synopsis of "Betrayal in the Highlands", second book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Pursued relentlessly by goblin hunter..
Synopsis of "The Price of Faith", third of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Separated and miserable, Thanquil Darkheart and ..
Synopsis of "The Crimson Vault", second book of "The Traveler's Gate Trilogy" by Will Wight: As the conflict between Enosh and D..
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