Synopsis of "Stormrider", fourth book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Civil war erupts in the highlands of the Rigante. For a..
Synopsis of "The Spider's War", fifth book of "The Dagger and the Coin" by Daniel Abraham: Lord Regent Geder Palliako's great w..
Synopsis of "Wielder's Fate", third book of "Wielder Trilogy" by T.B. Christensen: While the Kalians celebrate their recent vict..
Synopsis of "Wielder's Rising", second book of "Wielder Trilogy" by T.B. Christensen: The Kalian Army marches to battle. Kadrak ..
Synopsis of "Wielder's Awakening", first book of "Wielder Trilogy" by T.B. Christensen: A powerful wielder of magic is preparing..
Synopsis of "The Shadow of Gods", third book of "The Godling Chronicles" by Brian D. Anderson: Valshara has fallen, and the forc..
Synopsis of "Blood in Snow", third book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Having committed treason by claiming the Highlands..
Synopsis of "Valour", second book of "The Faithful&the Fallen" by John Gwynne: War has erupted in the Banished Lands as the r..
Synopsis of "Marathon: Freedom or Death", second book of "Long War" by Christian Cameron: The Battle of Marathon in 490 BC was o..
Synopsis of "Skybreaker", third book of "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson:
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