Synopsis of "Stormrider", fourth book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Civil war erupts in the highlands of the Rigante. For a..
Synopsis of "Ravenheart", third book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Centuries after defeating the invading army of Stone, th..
Synopsis of "Fool's Fate", third book of "Tawny Man" by Robin Hobb: FitzChivalry Farseer has become firmly ensconced in the quee..
Synopsis of "The Name of The Sword", fourth book of "The Gods Within" by J.L. Doty:
Synopsis of "The Heart of the Sands", third book of "The Gods Within" by J.L. Doty: Now a Benesh'ere slave, every whiteface in t..
Synopsis of "The SteelMaster of Indwallin", second book of "The Gods Within" by J.L. Doty: Morgin finds himself living two lives..
Synopsis of "Child of the Sword", first book of "The Gods Within" by J.L. Doty: Rat is no ordinary thief. A feral, filthy and ma..
Synopsis of "The House of Gaian", third book of "The Tir Alainn" by Anne Bishop: The uneasy alliance between Fae and humans may not be enough to def..
Synopsis of "Shadows and Light", second book of "The Tir Alainn" by Anne Bishop: An encroaching evil threatens the lives of every witch, woman, and..
Synopsis of "The Pillars of the World", first book of "The Tir Alainn" by Anne Bishop: The youngest in a long line of witches, Ari senses things are..
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