Synopsis of "Blade Reforged", fourth book of "Fallen Blade" by Kelly McCullough: After the fall of the goddess of justice, templ..
Synopsis of "Skybreaker", third book of "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson:
Synopsis of "Words of Radiance", second book of "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson: The war with the Parshendi will m..
Synopsis of "The Way of Kings", first book of "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson: Roshar is a world of stone and stor..
Synopsis of "The River of Souls", fifth book of "Matthew Corbett" by Robert R. McCammon: Is 1703. The place: the Carolina settl..
Synopsis of "The Providence Rider", fourth book of "Matthew Corbett" by Robert R. McCammon: In the winter of 1703, with Matthew ..
Synopsis of "Mister Slaugther", third book of "Matthew Corbett" by Robert R. McCammon: In the emerging metropolis of New York C..
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