Synopsis of "Midnight Falcon", second book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Bane, the illegitimate son of the Rigante king Dem..
Synopsis of "Betrayal in the Highlands", second book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Pursued relentlessly by goblin hunter..
Synopsis of "The Riddle in Stone", first of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Long after the last of the great heroes of old ha..
Synopsis of "The Colour of Vengeance", second of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Beaten, battered and damned near broken w..
Synopsis of "The Queen of Bedlam", second book of "Matthew Corbett" by Robert R. McCammon: Eighteenth-century New York, where a ..
In the country of Carthya, a devious nobleman engages four orphans in a brutal competition to be selected to impersonate the king's long-missing so..
Synopsis of "Magic Strikes", third book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, Atlanta mercenary Ka..
Synopsis of "Magic Burns", second book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: When mercenary Kate Daniels is hired to retrieve a set of stolen maps for..
Synopsis of "Magic Bites", first book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: Future Atlanta is an interesting place to live: one moment magic dominate..
Synopsis of "Tangled Webs", following to "The Black Jewels" by Anne Bishop: The invitation was signed Jaenelle Angelline, she who had been both Witc..
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