Synopsis of "The Olympian Affair", second book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: The characters are off on a diplomatic mis..
Synopsis of "The Aeronaut's Windlass", first book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: Since time immemorial, the Spires have ..
Synopsis of "Magic Strikes", third book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, Atlanta mercenary Ka..
Synopsis of "Magic Burns", second book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: When mercenary Kate Daniels is hired to retrieve a set of stolen maps for..
Synopsis of "Magic Bites", first book of "Kate Daniels" by Ilona Andrews: Future Atlanta is an interesting place to live: one moment magic dominate..
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