Synopsis of "Darkest Flame", first book of "Dark Kings" by Donna Grant: The Dark Kings have fought for centuries to preserve their dragon magic...
Synopsis of "The Olympian Affair", second book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: The characters are off on a diplomatic mis..
Synopsis of "The Aeronaut's Windlass", first book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: Since time immemorial, the Spires have ..
Synopsis of "Generation Warriors", third and last book of "Planet Pirates" by Anne McCaffrey: Sassinak is Back and Better Than E..
Synopsis of "The Death of Sleep", second book of "Planet Pirates" by Anne McCaffrey: Desperate circumstances forced Lunzie Mespi..
Synopsis of "Ghosts from the Past", seventh book of "Wandering Engineer" by Chris Hechtl: Fleet admiral John Henry Irons has be..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Forge", sixth book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfigher, a spy and..
Synopsis of "Ghost Omens", short history book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: When rumors spread that a dead Emperor has re..
Synopsis of "Ghost Claws", short history book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfighter, trained..
Synopsis of "Ghost in the Stone", fifth book of "The Ghosts" by Jonathan Moeller: Caina Amalas is a Ghost nightfighter, an assas..
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