Synopsis of "The Price of Faith", third of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Separated and miserable, Thanquil Darkheart and ..
Synopsis of "The Colour of Vengeance", second of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Beaten, battered and damned near broken w..
Synopsis of "The Heresy Within", first of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Thanquil Darkheart is an Arbiter of the Inquisit..
Synopsis of "To The Blight", second book of "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan: Pursued by Trollocs and Myrddraal, Rand and his friends find refug..
Synopsis of "The Invisible Ring", prequel of "The Black Jewels" by Anne Bishop: In a world where magic is power and social status is everything, th..
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