Synopsis of "Heir to the Shadows", second book of "The Black Jewels" by Anne Bishop: Enough time has passed for the young girl Jaenelle, heir to the magical Darkness, for her physical wounds to heal, while amnesia keeps her frightening memories at bay. But with Saetan--a Black-Jewelled Warlord Prince and Jaenelle's foster-father--to protect her, she will continue to grow. Her magic will mature. Her memories will return. And Jaenelle will face her destiny when she remembers Daemon, Saetan's son, who made the ultimate sacrifice for her love....
The Blood have waited centuries for the coming of Witch, the living embodiment of magic. But Jaenelle, the young girl prophecy spoke of, is haunted by the cruel battles fought over her future power. For not all the Blood await her as a savior. Some dismiss her as myth. Some refuse to believe. And some would use her, making her a puppet to their whims.
Only time, and the love of her guardians, have healed Jaenelle’s physical wounds. But her mind is still fragile, amnesia providing a shield from the terrors of her childhood. Nothing, however, can shield her from her destiny. And soon the day of reckoning will come. When her memories return. When her magic matures. When she is forced to accept her fate.
On that day, the Dark Realms will know what it means to be ruled by Witch.
Jaenelle′s vampiric, adoptive father, Saetan, and her foster-family of demons shelter her. To restore her memory and emotional balance, they move to Kaeleer, where Jaenelle befriends the kindred animals with magical and communicative powers and gathers a circle of young Queens. She also heals Lucivar, Daemon′s half brother, who offers a brothers′ love and a warrior′s fealty. As she recovers strength and memory, Jaenelle resolves to restore Daemon and cleanse Terreille. Bishop subverts reader′s expectations; the "darkest" powers reside in virtuous characters, demons and vampires are kindly, and Jaenelle′s adolescence is more comically normal than horrific. Her vibrant characters and descriptions will keep readers hooked, anxiously awaiting what promises to be a riveting conclusion.
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