Synopsis of "Fire Water: A Prospero's War Novella", short history of "Prospero's War" by Jaye Wells: Rookie cop Kate Prospero on..
Synopsis of "Deadly Spells", third book of "Prospero's War" by Jaye Wells: When Ramses Bane's body is discovered in an abandoned..
Synopsis of "God Hammer", eight book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe:
Synopsis of "College Arcane", spin-off book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe:
Synopsis of "Never Surrender", tenth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: The war isn’t going well. Wolfbane’s f..
Synopsis of "Lady Midnight", first book of "The Dark Artifices" by Cassandra Clare: Los Angeles. It’s been five years since the ..
Synopsis of "Brothers in Valor", third book of "Man of War" by H. Paul Honsinger: It is the year 2315, the 33rd year of the Krag..
Synopsis of "Queen of Fire", third book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Rea..
Synopsis of "Fool's Quest", second book of "The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy" by Robin Hobb:
Synopsis of "Shadow Study", fourth book of "Study Series" by Maria V. Snyder: Once, only her own life hung in the balance.. Oddl..
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