Synopsis of "Minstrel Boy", sixteenth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue:
Synopsis of "Cage of Gold", fifteenth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Once again, the Battlecruiser ..
Synopsis of "Not In My Name", fourteenth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Surprise Attack! While prep..
Synopsis of "Aces High", thirteenth book of "Battlecruiser Alamo" by Richard Tongue: Once again the Battlecruiser Alamo is launc..
Synopsis of "Dark Cover", fourth book of "Wings of Steele" by Jeffrey J. Burger:
Synopsis of "Revenge & Retribution", third book of "Wings of Steele" by Jeffrey J. Burger: “Evil hides best in the shadows, ..
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