Synopsis of "Resolute", fourth book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: Kris Longknife has been given her first independent co..
Synopsis of "Galactic Empire Wars: Rebellion", third book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: For ..
Synopsis of "Galactic Empire Wars: Emergence", second book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: Ali..
Synopsis of "Destruction", first book of "Galactic Empire Wars" by Raymond L. Weil and Frank MacDonald: To the Kleese, the Earth..
Synopsis of "The Legend of Corinair", third book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A captain coming into his own. A handful ..
Synopsis of "The Rings of Haven", second book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A ship stranded halfway across the galaxy. A..
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