Synopsis of "Blood of Dragons", fourth book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: The dragons' survival hangs in the balance...
Synopsis of "City of Dragons", third book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: Once, dragons ruled the Rain Wilds, tended by..
Synopsis of "Dragon Haven", second book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: Centuries had passed since dragons last roamed ..
Synopsis of "The Dragon Keeper", first book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: For years, the Trader cities valiantly batt..
Synopsis of "Ship of Destiny", third book of "Liveship Traders" by Robin Hobb: Is the spellbinding story of a once thriving cit..
Synopsis of "The Mad Ship", second book of "Liveship Traders" by Robin Hobb: Althea Vestrit has found a new home aboard the liv..
Synopsis of "Ship of Magic", first book of "Liveship Traders" by Robin Hobb: Set in a land bordering the Six Duchies, it tells o..
Synopsis of "The Outcast", fifth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: When Sameena’s brother accidentally annoys..
Synopsis of "Briar's Book",fourth book of "Circle of Magic" by Tamora Pierce: Briar, a young mage-in-training, and his teacher Rosethorn must use th..
Synopsis of "Daja's Book", third book of "Circle of Magic" by Tamora Pierce: While at Gold Ridge castle to the north of Winding Circle, Daja and the..
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