Synopsis of "Ascendant's Rite", fourth book of "The Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The last few months of the moontide when th..
Synopsis of "Unholy War", third book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Third Crusade has just suffered an unprecedented m..
Synopsis of "The Scarlet Tides", second book of "Moontide Quartet" by David Hair: The Moontide has come and the Leviathan Bridge..
Synopsis of "Blood of Innocents", second book of "Sorcery Ascendant Sequence" by Mitchell Hogan: Anasoma, jewel of the Mahruse E..
Synopsis of "The Number of Six", third book of "Lorien Legacies Series" by Pittacus Lore: The Mogadorians who destroyed the planet Lorien continue t..
Synopsis of "The Power of Six", second book of "Lorien Legacies Series" by Pittacus Lore: I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what..
Synopsis of "Heir to the Shadows", second book of "The Black Jewels" by Anne Bishop: Enough time has passed for the young girl Jaenelle, heir to the..
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