Synopsis of "Fool's Quest", second book of "The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy" by Robin Hobb:
Synopsis of "Fool's Assassin", first book of "The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy" by Robin Hobb: Tom Badgerlock has been living peace..
Synopsis of "Fallen Stars", fifth book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Some..
Synopsis of "Duel Nature", fourth book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Chris and Tanya have been assigned as Coven Rovers, tr..
Synopsis of "Brutal Asset", third book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Partnered in an uneasy alliance with federal law enfor..
Synopsis of "Demon Driven", second book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Seven months have passed since Chris Gordon met Tanya..
Synopsis of "God Touched", first book of "Demon Accords" by John Conroe: Chris Gordon is a rookie with the NYPD - one with a sec..
Synopsis of "The Iron-Jawed Boy and the Siege of Sol", third book of "Sky Guardian Chronicles" by Nikolas Lee:
Synopsis of "The Iron-Jawed Boy and the Hand of the Moon", second of "Sky Guardian Chronicles" by Nikolas Lee: One month has pas..
Synopsis of "The Iron-Jawed Boy", first of "Sky Guardian Chronicles" by Nikolas Lee: Year 2300 Protea: Capitol of the Eldanarian..
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