Synopsis of "Resolute", fourth book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: Kris Longknife has been given her first independent co..
Synopsis of "Defiant", third book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: As part of an agenda to oust her father from his politic..
Synopsis of "Deserter", second book of "Kris Longknife" by Mike Shepherd: A search for her lost friend leads the female space wa..
Synopsis of "Queen of Fire", third book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Rea..
Synopsis of "Tower Lord", second book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: “The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm ..
Synopsis of "The Liar's Key", second book of "The Red Queen’s War" by Mark Lawrence: The eyes of the mighty are on the North. Lo..
Synopsis of "Prince of Fools", first book of "The Red Queen’s War" by Mark Lawrence: The Red Queen is old but the kings of the B..
Synopsis of "Darkened Blade", sixth and final book of "Fallen Blade" by Kelly McCullough: Aral Kingslayer has nothing to lose an..
Synopsis of "Drawn Blades", fifth book of "Fallen Blade" by Kelly McCullough: Once one of the world’s greatest assassins, Aral ..
Synopsis of "Blade Reforged", fourth book of "Fallen Blade" by Kelly McCullough: After the fall of the goddess of justice, templ..
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