Synopsis of "Semper Fi", fourth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: Two years after the Empire abandoned them o..
Synopsis of "Zero Recall", second book of "The Legend of ZERO" by Sara King: It's been 53 turns after the legendary Commander Ze..
Synopsis of "Spy Glass", third book of "Glass Series" by Maria V. Snyder: After siphoning her own blood magic in the showdown at Hubal, Opal Cowan c..
Synopsis of "Sea Glass", second book of "Glass Series" by Maria V. Snyder: Student glass magician Opal Cowan’s newfound ability to steal a magician’..
Synopsis of "Glass Storm", first book of "Glass Series" by Maria V. Snyder: As a glassmaker and a magician-in-training, Opal Cowan understands trial..
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