Synopsis of "The Olympian Affair", second book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: The characters are off on a diplomatic mis..
Synopsis of "The Aeronaut's Windlass", first book of "The Cinder Spires" by Jim Butcher: Since time immemorial, the Spires have ..
Synopsis of "Queen of Fire", third book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Rea..
Synopsis of "Tower Lord", second book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: “The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm ..
Synopsis of "Blood of Dragons", fourth book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: The dragons' survival hangs in the balance...
Synopsis of "City of Dragons", third book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: Once, dragons ruled the Rain Wilds, tended by..
Synopsis of "Dragon Haven", second book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: Centuries had passed since dragons last roamed ..
Synopsis of "The Dragon Keeper", first book of "Rain Wild Chronicles" by Robin Hobb: For years, the Trader cities valiantly batt..
Synopsis of "Celestia CV-02", eighth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A world divided. A ship under construction. A mi..
Synopsis of "Freedom's Dawn", fourth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A ship under siege. A world on the brink of civi..
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