Synopsis of "Born of the Ashes", eleventh book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A world in chaos. An eager new ally. A newl..
Synopsis of "Liberation", tenth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: Heartfelt reunions with friends. Desperate plans to g..
Synopsis of "The Expanse", seventh book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A newly repaired ship. A willing and eager crew. A..
Synopsis of "Head of the Dragon", sixth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: Time is running out. An ally has all but fall..
Synopsis of "Rise of the Corinari", fifth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A time to recover. A chance to make a new a..
Synopsis of "Freedom's Dawn", fourth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A ship under siege. A world on the brink of civi..
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