Synopsis of "Valour", second book of "The Faithful&the Fallen" by John Gwynne: War has erupted in the Banished Lands as the r..
Synopsis of "Malice", first book of "The Faithful&the Fallen" by John Gwynne: A black sun is rising … Young Corban watches e..
Synopsis of "The Runaway King", second book of "The Ascendance" by Jennifer A. Nielsen: Jaron is now in his rightful place as king, but he knows tha..
In the country of Carthya, a devious nobleman engages four orphans in a brutal competition to be selected to impersonate the king's long-missing so..
Synopsis of "The Ace of Skulls", fourth book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: They've been shot down, set up, double-crossed and ripped..
Synopsis of "The Iron Jackal", third book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Things are finally looking good for Captain Frey and his cr..
Synopsis of "The Black Lung Captain", second book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Deep in the heart of the Kurg rainforest lies a long..
Synopsis of "Retribution Falls", first book of "Tales of the Ketty Jay" by Chris Wooding: Sky piracy is a bit out of Darian Frey’s league. Fate has..
Synopsis of "Tris's Book", second book of "Circle of Magic" by Tamora Pierce: With the defenses of Winding Circle Temple seriously weakened by an ea..
Aly fails to foresee the dangers that await as she uses her magic to safeguard Dova and her younger siblings, despite knowing that her thirteen-year..
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