Synopsis of "The Valhalla Call", fourth book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: Newly minted Lieutenant Sorilla Aida has a..
Synopsis of "Valkyrie Burning", third book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: The war that began on Hayden's World years a..
Synopsis of "Valkyrie Rising", second book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: Two years after the initial invasion of Hayd..
Synopsis of "On Silver Wings", first book of "Hayden War Cycle" by Evan C. Currie: In the future, mankind has colonized other wo..
Synopsis of "Provenance", first book of "Spellscribed" by Kristopher Cruz: A young and inexperienced Wizard named Endrance. Born..
Synopsis of "Blood in Snow", third book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Having committed treason by claiming the Highlands..
Synopsis of "Betrayal in the Highlands", second book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Pursued relentlessly by goblin hunter..
Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to th..
Meghan Chase has a secret destiny—one she could never have imagined…Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father d..
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