Synopsis of "The Expanse", seventh book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A newly repaired ship. A willing and eager crew. A..
Synopsis of "Rise of the Corinari", fifth book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A time to recover. A chance to make a new a..
Synopsis of "The Legend of Corinair", third book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A captain coming into his own. A handful ..
Synopsis of "The Rings of Haven", second book of "The Frontiers Saga" by Ryk Brown: A ship stranded halfway across the galaxy. A..
Synopsis of "Blood in Snow", third book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Having committed treason by claiming the Highlands..
Synopsis of "Betrayal in the Highlands", second book of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Pursued relentlessly by goblin hunter..
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