Synopsis of "A Plunder of Souls", third book of "Thieftaker Chronicles" by D.B. Jackson: Boston, 1769: Ethan Kaille, a Boston t..
Synopsis of "Chosen", fourth book of "Alex Verus" by Benedict Jacka: I don’t publicly advertise that I’m a mage,..
Synopsis of "Admiral's Revenge", fifth book of "Spineward Sectors" by Luke Sky Wachter: Fresh out of prison and with their woun..
Synopsis of "Lady Midnight", first book of "The Dark Artifices" by Cassandra Clare: Los Angeles. It’s been five years since the ..
Synopsis of "Midnight Falcon", second book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: Bane, the illegitimate son of the Rigante king Dem..
Synopsis of "Sword in the Storm", first book of "The Rigante" by David Gemmell: The Rigante dwell in the mountain lands when Con..
Synopsis of "Queen of Fire", third book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: Vaelin Al Sorna must help his Queen reclaim her Rea..
Synopsis of "Tower Lord", second book of "Raven's Shadow" by Anthony Ryan: “The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm ..
Synopsis of "Retreat Hell", eighth book of "The Empire's Corps" by Christopher Nuttall: After the disastrous mission to Lakshmib..
Synopsis of "The Colour of Vengeance", second of "The Ties That Bind" by Rob J. Hayes: Beaten, battered and damned near broken w..
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