Synopsis of "Master Steelwielder", third book of "Seals of the Duelists" by Jasmine Giacomo: Bayan has found a new life in the t..
Synopsis of "Traitor Savant", second book of "Seals of the Duelists" by Jasmine Giacomo: While Bayan struggles to train his camp..
Synopsis of "The Riddle in Stone", first of "Riddle in Stone" by Robert Evert: Long after the last of the great heroes of old ha..
Synopsis of "The Revenge of Seven", fifth book of "Lorien Legacies Series" by Pittacus Lore: The worst was supposed to be over. ..
The Garde are finally reunited, but do they have what it takes to win the war against the Mogadorians? John Smith Number Four thought that things w..
Synopsis of "To The Blight", second book of "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan: Pursued by Trollocs and Myrddraal, Rand and his friends find refug..
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